Aged Care
Whether the care you provide to the elderly is in assisted living, adult day care or long term residential care; whether you work in a nursing home, in a hospice providing palliative care, or are providing home help in the form of maintenance or transport …
You’ve got enough on your plate caring for others.
While others let you manage their care, why don’t you let Silver Service Care manage the delivery of your Continuing Professional Development. We can provide your CPD at a time and place of your choosing, because we deliver online. You can access our interactive live sessions in real time OR as recorded sessions, at another time, as it fits in with your shifts, professional or family life.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2018) dementia is the second leading cause of death of Australians. In 2020, there was an estimated 459,000 Australians living with dementia, and people with dementia account for 52% of all residents in residential aged care facilities. Of course, the needs of the elderly with dementia differ significantly from the needs of those suffering with early onset dementia.
Silver Service Care will be delivering a number of CPD sessions dealing with dementia. You are guaranteed to find our series on dementia both informative and captivating. Our programs range from 0.5 Points to 2.0 Points – and are presented in an absolutely unique way.
One in four persons living in Australia was born overseas. With a significant number of older people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, it is even more challenging for you the Carer, to provide quality care that will meet the specific cultural and emotional needs of these residents.
It is not only language barriers and adaptation to the Australian culture that can made it extremely difficult for these elderly people, they may be holding onto key elements from their birth culture but their younger family members may not adhere to those values. This dissonance can be extremely difficult for the Culturally and Linguistically Different (CALD) clients you have to deal with. To strengthen links between people from the Chinese communities around Australia, Carers and the wider Australian society, we have appointed Quentin Bai to liaise between Silver Service Care, our Members and the Chinese Communities and Chinese alternative health/medical practitioners.
Our programs deal with avoiding pressure wounds, caring for those with hearing and sight impairments, and a whole host of other topics – some of which we have chosen from our experience in the industry, and some of which you will tell us you want to know more about.
Deaf and the Aged
Many members of the Deaf population identify as members of a minority group with a unique language and cultural tradition. A direct result of that is that professionals in the medical, health and care industries are often unprepared to meet the needs of deaf patients and residents effectively, or with sensitivity. There are differing levels of competency in caring for deaf patients. When the provider and the office staff provide methods to communicate with deaf patients using telephone-assisted communication, qualified interpreters, and some basic knowledge of lipreading or sign language, the care of deaf patients is greatly enhanced and the physician-patient relationship improved.
Blind and Aged Care People
People who are blind or have low vision have special needs for interpreting their environment. By following simple guidelines you can help make their environment more comfortable, safer and less threatening.

You're in good company.
"Love cannot remain by itself –it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service."
"The upward course of a nation's history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women."