Our Advisors
Luceille is co-founder and Corporate Leader of GEM College of International Business (also trading as Workright Australia see www.gemcollege.edu.au). She is a visionary leader and a passionate educator, with more than 40 years’ experience in Education and Industry, working in both private and public sectors of secondary and tertiary educational organisations.
Luceille has been honoured as a finalist in the South Australian Telstra Business Woman of the Year twice (2000 and 2007). In 2007 she also received the Telstra Business Women’s SA Government Business Innovation Award. She was designated in South Australian Parliament to be part of an interim management committee of the Southern Sports Complex.
Luceille’s special interests are Convergence Curriculum™, breaking down the digital divide, and the transference of education and technology to assist economic development, particularly to alleviate abject poverty in the third world.
Luceille steered a fledgling technology company incubated by Workright, through to an ASX listing during the Global Financial Crisis, and became the first female Executive Director of a listed technology company. She is co-founder of Spinergy Pty Ltd, a technology company which generates power by Working With the Earth®; and of BSMART Holdings which has unique breakthrough technologies in Waste Management and Recycling to serve the global construction sector and lower carbon emissions.
Luceille and John have three children and five grandchildren (UK, Victoria and SA). They understand many of the issues of home care for the terminally ill, having provided primary care for her mother-in-law during her two year battle with cancer; and support for John’s father and Luceille’s mother, who were able to retain independence until a few weeks before their passing, also from cancer.
Luceille’s father, Ken, was an exceptionally brilliant man and a strong leader throughout his life, developed vascular dementia requiring supported and then dependent living. He lived with Luceille and John for two years, before a series of TIA’s caused a loss of mobility – necessitating his relocation to professional residential care. Luceille understands the painful experiences of watching a loved one deteriorate, the aggression that can accompany dementia, and the multitude of tasks that need to be performed when providing home care.
At 94 he enjoyed catching up with his “big sister” Phyllis, 96.
Brett was a consumer adviser, when his father (Bob) was diagnosed with dementia. As he says “We’d been through hell, but are wanting to support others through this journey now.” Ever practical, Brett started an online support group for families dealing with dementia,
Brett received a “Pride of Australia” Award in 2017 for his ground-breaking work in founding Dementia Downunder, which now has more than 3,515 members, mostly from Australia but also from elsewhere. He has established Adelaide Hills Escape – Care Cottage to support families who have may have a loved one with early-stage dementia.
Recognised by professionals, Brett was invited to present at conference attended by 200 Doctors, Nurses and Medical professionals on 9th March 2018. The conference was “Caring, Sharing and Preparing for Cognitive Impairment Conference”, with the major goal of getting the 3 health networks from SA together to share information. You can see Brett’s presentation here.
Brett lives in the moment and his ‘compelling experiences’ over the last decade can only be described as a wild roller coaster ride.
He has compassion, intuition and authenticity, which allows him to navigate the unpredictable world of dementia. He provided 9 years of care to Bob (seen here) with Alzheimer’s Disease which inspired his personal journey as a dementia advocate.
Brett is an Advisor to Silver Service Care, and shares his story and experiences to create awareness and to influence positive change in the way people living with dementia nationally are supported.
Silver Service Care has appointed Mr Quentin Bai as its lead consultant for strategic business development in the multicultural aged care sector, accredited employees, professional practitioners, and service providers in Australia.
Quentin has had a long and distinguished career, promoting export and inward investment, developing bilateral relationship between Australian businesses and businesses in the greater China market. He has extensive onshore and offshore working experience with excellent understanding of the cultural and business practices and extensive networks of established businesses.
Quentin focused on more than international business, trade and investment, he has a strong passion in international aged care sector with an expressed concern for the aging population in Australia and in China.
Quentin is an experienced cross-cultural and bilingual professional consultant He has advised GEM College and our associates for nearly 20 years, and has proven himself a professional and valuable partner.
He has been recommended for the role of Consultant for Strategic Business Development and Partnership.